Hydrogen for Net Zero Emission

Hydrogen for Achieving Net Zero Emission Goals: Incorporating hydrogen into the broader objective of achieving net zero emissions goals can be done through several key strategies and applications. Here are some ways to incorporate hydrogen: 1. Clean Power Generation: green hydrogen production involves using electrolysis to generate hydrogen from water, using renewable electricity as the energy source. This ensures that the hydrogen produced has minimal carbon emissions associated with it. The resulting green hydrogen can then be used as a clean and environmentally friendly fuel for power generation, helping to reduce emissions in the electricity sector and contribute to a more sustainable energy future. 2. Decarbonizing Industry: the use of hydrogen in industrial processes offers a promising avenue for decarbonizing hard-to-abate industrial sectors. By substituting hydrogen for fossil fuels as a feedstock or fuel, these industries can significantly reduce carbon emissions, contributing to global efforts to combat climate change and transition to more sustainable industrial practices. 3. Zero Emissions Transport: The concept of


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